Monday, December 3, 2012

Chess Openings for Dummies Ebook Reviewed

Chess Openings for Dummies Ebook

Chess Openings for Dummies is a popular ebook pdf to download for chess enthusiasts looking to understand the opening phase of your chess game and create your own opening repetoire for free without having to pay a chess coach to make one for them.
Authored by USCF Chess Master, James Eade, Chess Openings for Dummies ebook pdf offers you the best of both worlds as the reader.

What do I mean?

Chess Openings for Dummies

Well, for starters, unlike the MCO version 15 (modern chess openings) which features variation after variation of all chess openings systematically with tables and rows filled with mostly just the moves listed as a reference book, Chess Openings for Dummies, in my opinion, gives you the perfect balance of not only the openings you'll most likely encounter and the ones you should use with both the white and black pieces, but the chess master author also gives you the ideas behind the openings...(this is the most important part!)

Chess Openings for Dummies Ebook Comes in Printable Digital Format (ebook/pdf)

The ebook in pdf format contains the exact same content as the physical version available at Amazon or your local bookstore but is digital so you can access it on your laptop on the go or read it at home or in your office on the desktop.
All the major openings are covered so you are sure to get the much-needed info you need to be prepared for playing competitiv ely at the amateur level.
What I found to be most helpful, is the way Chess Openings for Dummies organizes its content for you. For example, the "Open Game" openings, "Semi-Open Game", "Closed Game", "Semi-Closed Game" and "Flank" openings are each covered in depth in their own section.
This makes scrolling to the exact opening you want to find a breeze. What I believe adds so much value to the book are the examples of actual games played by masters using the very opening covered...for each opening!

Chess Openings for Dummies

Yes. So if you want to learn the Sicilian Najdorf opening, for example, which is a variation that has been used successfully by the world famous chess world champions Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov, respectively, you'll see a diagram of a game featuring the opening played by Viswanathan Anand vs. Joel Lautier in their game from Biel, Switzerland, in 1997 where the first five moves are:
1.e4 c5
2.Nf3 d6
3.d4 cxd4
4.Nxd 4 Nf6
5.Nc3 a6.
That's the Najdorf Sicilian opening and has been the most in fashion opening in chess for the last few years.
Another great feature which benefits you as the reader using this guide to learn the openings, is Chess Master Eade gives you a masters' game to demonstrate the opening when the opening is successfully used to win the game for the player with the white pieces and then gives you another game where the player with the black pieces used the opening to win and provides you the winning ideas for each.
This makes it a virtually must-have resource to have on hand because when you're playing chess, you'll encounter these same positions arising from the openings when you have the white pieces and need to know what the most common plans are for the opponent with the black pieces. It's also true when you have the black pieces, you'll need to know what your opponent with the white pieces has planned for his attack so you can defend and counter-attack in the most efficient way positionally and tactically with the position you have created from the opening you used.
Oh, and just in case you were somewhat intimidated by the algebraic notation of the moves given in the example earlier, don't be! The author does a fine job of explaining how to read it easily so you'll always know exactly how to read it from the moment you read his explanation.

Is Chess Openings for Dummies Ebook pdf Available for Free Download?

At the time of this publication, according to the legal disclaimer found within the book, Chess Openings for Dummies is a product copyrighted and protected from free download by law, so you will need to purchase your own copy of the book.
All in all, I'd give this author 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend you pick up your own copy of the Chess Openings for Dummies ebook pdf and absorb everything you can before your first or next chess match!
download the book click here .... Chess Openings for Dummies Ebook Reviewed

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